An institute of higher learning

An institute
of higher learning

Report By. Mr. Nagesh

Tucked away in the crowded Shibligunj area, two kilometers west of Charminar, is a hoary institution of higher learning, the Jamia Nizamia.
Few people outside the circle of Islamic scholars or the more religious minded Muslims know about the existence of the 120 year old Jamia (University). Though it has produced nearly one lakh religious scholars, including Ulamas, Faqueehs (jurisprudents), poets, writers and leaders, the Jamia has shunned publicity to such an extent that it held its first ever press conference recently.
Founded by Hazrat Mohammed Anwarullah Farooqui in the last century, the main objective of Jamia Nizamia ia to impart education of oriental leanings in general and Arabic studies in particular for the guidance of Muslims. Hazrat Anwarullah, who was tutor of Nizams VI and VII, guided the destinies of the institution for nearly 43 years.
Hailing from a devout family, Anwarullah joined as a précis writer in the Revenue Department but resigned after 18 months.
The institution founded by him today has more than 50 branches in kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharshtra and Andhra Pradesh. An in-house institute, named Majlis-e-Ishaat-ul-Uloom has published 100 books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Telugu and English. Jamia's library is a treasure houses for Islamic research scholars the world over. Here, Urdu versions of even Ramayana and Mahabharata are available.
The Jamia offers undergraduate and post graduate courses in Arabic and Islamic studies and its degrees are recognized by Osmania and other Universities. At present, its examinations are conducted only in Arabic and Urdu. Prior to 1948, examinations were also conducted in Persian. The first ever Chief Minister of Hyderabad State, Burugula Ramakrishna Rao, passed the Persian examination of Munshi and Munshi Fazil.
Students who passed through the portals of Jamia Nizamia have settled in Pakistan, England, Bangladesh and other countries and gained world-wide repute among Muslims for their scholarship. Dr. Mohammed Hameedullah of France and Dr, Syed Jafar Mohiuddin Quadri of USA are two of the many distinguished alumni.
Apart from higher learning, the Jamia provides free school education, boarding and lodging to 500 students and proposes to extend it to 500 more finances permitting. Money, in fact has been a constaint for the Jamia ever since its founding. In spite of his influence, Anwarullah never sought assistance from nawabs and jagirdars and even today the institution does not receive any aid from the State Government. After 18 years of Jamia's establishment, the Nizam VII sanctioned a meager aid of Rs. 50 a month and periodically raised the amount. It meets its present annual expenditure of Rs. 35 lakhs from rental income (about Rs. 7 lakhs) and donations.
Jamia Nizamia is regarded as an institution of religious guidance on par with the famous Darul-uloom of Deoband near Delhi. Muslims from all over the country seek solutions to their religious problems and act according to the replies (fatwas) of the Jamia. Its fatwas are accepted in the courts in the country.
The Ameer-e-Jamia (Chancellor) of Jamia Nizamia, Moulana Syed Abdul Wali Qadri, a structural engineer by training, is not unduly perturbed by the emergence of a number of more popular institutes of Islamic studies in the twin cities. 'We are doing our job, they are doing theirs. It is all for the good".
)THE HINDU,Daily Friday, December 11, 1992, Hyderabad)



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