Do not trust the information provided by a TRANSGRESSOR

When the Muslims became successful in the battle of Bani Mustaliq in the 5th AH and when the Beloved and Blessed Rasool  married Sayyidatuna Juwayriyah who was the daughter of the chief of the tribe, the blessed companions freed all the captured prisoners saying,' A tribe in which the Greatest and Noblest Rasool has married into, no person of that tribe can be kept as a slave or a bondwoman.' Inspired by benevolent conduct of the Muslims, the whole tribe embraced Islam. After this, the Beloved Rasool sent Waleed Bin 'Uqbah to that tribe to collect Zakah from the rich people of the tribe and distribute it among its poor people.
When the people of the tribe 'Bani Al-Mustaliq' came to know about the arrival of Waleed, they came out of their town into the open field cheerfully with their weapons in the honour of welcoming the envoy of Islam. Some conflict and grudge had existed between W aleed and that tribe in the pre­Islamic era of ignorance. For this reason, Waleed perceived the arrangements of welcome as old enmity and returned to Madinah without inquiring about the reality from the people of the tribe. He
presented himself in the court of the Noble  Rasool  and said that the people of Bani Al-Mustaliq tribe have turned apostate and they have refused to pay Zakah. This news grieved the Noblest Rasool very much and the Muslims became aggravated by it. They began preparations for Jihad against the tribe.
On the other hand, the people of the Bani Al-Mustaliq tribe got stunned from this strange conduct of Waleed. When they came to know that W aleed has told a false story and had slandered them in the court of the Holy Rasool  , they sent a proper delegation in the court of the  Beloved Rasool   that cleared their guiltlessness in this matter.
Upon hearing both the sides i.e. Waleed and the delegation of Bani Al-Mustali  the Holy Rasool observed silence waiting for the Divine revelation to be revealed. Consequently, Ayahs of Surah Al-Hujurat were revealed which did not only bring to light the reality of the matter but also constituted a proper law and criterion for probing in such cases.
(I'afseer Khaza'in-ul-'Irfan, pp. 928; part 26, Surah Al-Hujurat, Ayah 6)
Those Ayahs are: 
0 believers! If any sinner brings you some news, so (you must) investigate it, in case you unknowingly cause suffering to some people, then (later on) remain regretful for what you have done. And know that Allah's Messenger is amongst you; if he acts according to your liking in many of your matters, so surely you would be in trouble. But Allah has made faith dear to you and has beautified it in your hearts, and has made disbelief and disobedience and sinning detested to you. The very same people are on the path (of guidance). (They love Faith because oj) the Benevolence and Favour of Allah; and Allah is All-Knowing, Ever Wise.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 2 6, Surah Al-Hujurat, Ayah 6-8)


1. It is a conunon practice and conduct of the people that any information that reaches their ears, they broadcast it openly and do not inquire or investigate into its authenticity. This conduct sometimes accuses a guiltless person or harms somebody.

Islam has declared this conduct to be completely wrong. In fact, the law of Islamic ethics mentioned by the Holy Quran is that whenever some news is heard, an investigation should first be carried out. Once its authenticity is proven, then it may be communicated to other people. Bringing our attention towards this very matter, the Rasool of Rahmah  has warned us saying:
It is sufficient to consider a person liar ifhe transmits to others whatever information he hears (without investigation).
(Sahih Muslim, pp. 8, Raqm 5)
2. It is proven from this Quranic Ayah that information delivered by a person who is just and abides by Shari' ah is reliable.
3. Some commentators have mentioned that this Ayah is not specifically for 'Waleed Bin 'Uqbah', but is general and was revealed regarding the information given by every transgressor.
4. The Holy Quran has mentioned Waleed Bin 'Uqbah as a transgressor despite him being a Sahabi (companion of the Holy Rasool). There is no ambiguity in this because after this incident, Waleed Bin 'Uqbah repented earnestly and his transgression was forgiven. Therefore, it is not permissible at all to call a Rasool' s companion a transgressor, because there is an unanimous decree that every companion was just, truthful and compliant to Shari'ah. 



Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.


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